Providing Structure During These Unstructured Times: SBS is Here to Help!

Do you feel like you’re navigating an uncharted course through this COVID-19 pandemic? If so, you’re just like us! I’m Jill, clinical director with SBS, a parent and a BCBA. Sarah, owner of SBS, is a parent, too (to seven – yes seven! – children I might add) and a BCBA. We continue to persevere through this storm while taking on the challenge of activities being cancelled for the kids and school closures. We can relate to the stress all families are now facing and we want to help!

We have curated a list of our favorite live streaming and educational resources that your children may learn from and enjoy interacting with:

  1. Cosmic Kids Yoga: Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids. This may keep your kids entertained for hours!
  2. Union Square Play based out of NYC this group is offering FREE music classes, pre-recorded and live classes and seminars and, best of all, 100% FREE printables and resources. Check them out!
  3. Take a virtual trip to the San Diego Zoo! You have the option to watch various animals in their zoo habitat under live video. And if the zoo isn’t enough here is an additional list of virtual field trips available! Leverage that screen time to make it educational, safe, and entertaining!
  4. ABC Mouse:they offer a full online curriculum for kids ages 2-8 and, best of all, they’re currently offering a FREE 30-day trial!

Below you’ll find a list of some educational activities you can use this time together to accomplish:

  1. Create a photo or scrap book of picture memories from a recent trip or of a favorite story/movie. You can keep this for yourself or share it with a loved one.
  2. Create a scavenger hunt – if your child cannot read, uses pictures or known images to help them seek out the hidden objects of interest.
  3. Create an obstacle course! This is a great activity to help release some energy and engage different mind and muscle groups alike
  4. Bake/Cook. It’s a fact; we all have to eat. Involve the kids in helping to measure, mix or pour various ingredients to prepare a delicious treat or meal.
  5. Create a science experiment: click here to access 44+ safe science experiments for preschool aged kids and older taken from Pinterest.
  6. For our children that thrive on structure, create a visual schedule illustrating what is to be accomplished within a specified time period. If your child can read, you can write this out with them, of course, but if they cannot yet read, use visuals Click here for an example picture schedule.

For children that can easily become dysregulated and/or overstimulated during these unstructured times, we offer the following suggestions:

  1. Create a sensory bin using items typically found in the home!
    a. Dump rice or dry beans into a bin, lay down a large towel or plastic drape, place the bin on top and allow your child/ren to stick their hands and/or toes in the bin

    b.Create a water table
    C.Create a water bead table. These are one of our favorites – safe and non-toxic.

Don’t let the fun stop at sensory play; these sensory bins can offer additional educational opportunities by allowing for color identification, counting, sorting, matching, eye and hand coordination, imagination, etc. We encourage you to unleash your creativity!

Seeking behavior management support during this time? Below we offer a couple suggestions that may be helpful:

  1. Offer choices prior to entering new activities or prior to an imminent transition. Choices can be presented verbally (e.g., “Do you want to sit on the floor or at the table for reading?”), presented in 3D format (e.g., parent presents an apple in one hand and an orange in the other and asks, “Do you want the apple or orange for snack?”), or presented with pictures.
  2. Implement a “First/Then” contingency to help gain compliance to less preferred activities. For example, if your child loves playing in the water table, but you need them to eat lunch first, we encourage you to implement this contingency, “First eat lunch and then you can have access to the water table.” For this to be effective, you must follow through with what you say.

Lastly, please don’t forget to take care of yourself! This beautifully written article by Red Tricycle provides guidance and suggestions to support striking a balance between screen time and academics during a very unanticipated time. Red Tricycle also provides a variety of resources across a variety of topics for kids and adults such as: exercise, mealtime habits of happy families, and much more!

We hope this blog provides ideas and inspiration to keep your family closer than ever during these trying times.

Looking for more support? Please don’t hesitate to contact us online! Our BCBAs are available for remote consultation and here to help you find beauty in what may seem like the most stressful of times.

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