Tawanna Johnson

ABA Therapist

Tawanna Johnson is an ABA therapist from Chicago, Illinois. After graduating from Southern Illinois University (SIUC), she worked as an inclusion aide at Maggie Daley Park. She fell in love with working with children and started working in the field of ABA in 2018. Tawanna became an RBT in 2018 as well. As an RBT, Tawanna enjoys the opportunity to help children reach their full potential while doing so in a fun way.

In addition to working on the SBS therapy team, Tawanna is attending Chicago State University Master Occupational Therapy program with the goal of becoming a licensed Occupational Therapist in the near future.

Fun Fact: In her spare time, Tawanna enjoys hanging out with her dog, trying new restaurants, and doing her makeup.

Tawanna's Picture for the Website
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